The Houžvic law firm

About us

The Houžvic law firm was founded in 2013. Thanks to the extensive experience we have acquired providing services to a wide range of clients ranging from individuals to international concerns, we are able to provide you with high-quality legal services and completely adapt them to your requirements. When providing our services, we always take both the current applicable legislation, and any planned changes thereto, as well as related decisions by relevant courts into consideration.

We ensure the provision of our legal services via a team of experienced attorneys, both from among our firm’s staff and among outside associates who cooperate with us. We also cooperate with trusted accounting and tax advisers, court executors, notaries and other specialists, and we are able to ensure comprehensive services for you even in difficult legal situations.

We provide our legal services in Czech, English, German and French. Through the attorneys who cooperate with us, we also provide services in other languages as well as outside the Czech Republic, both in and outside the EU.

Main areas of specialiastion

Through external associates, we also provide services in other legal areas.

Our team

Attorney and Managing Partner of the Firm

In 2010 he completed his studies at the Charles University Law Faculty in Prague. During his studies, he served at a firm focused on business and civil law and at two business corporations with an international presence, whose main activity was international trade both in and outside the EU. From 2010 he worked as a law clerk, and later as an attorney for a medium-sized law firm focused on international clientèle. In 2013, he founded his own law firm.

External Attorney

She completed her studies at the Charles University Law Faculty in Prague. During her studies, she completed a year-long study stay at the Law Faculty of the Université de Limoges in France, where she successfully earned the title Master 1 DEAU. Following completion of her studies, she worked in state administration and later as a law clerk at a Prague law firm, where she mainly focused on tax, criminal, business and civil law, environmental protection law and representation in court proceedings. Since 2015 she has cooperated externally with the Houžvic law firm.

Accountant and HR officer

She completed her studies at the Czech University of Agriculture in Prague. After her studies, she worked at a renowned Prague firm. Since 2013, she has been working for the Houžvic law firm in the positions of accountant and HR officer.

Legal professional

During her studies at the Secondary School of Dr Josef Pekař, she completed a stay as an exchange student in the USA at Miami Killian Sr. High School. She is currently studying at the Law Faculty of the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň and at the Pan-European University in Bratislava.

Contact information

Mgr. Houžvic Jakub, law firm
Štefánikova 1347, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav
tel: +420 326 210 233
mob.: +420 724 094 595

Mgr. Jakub Houžvic
Attorney (Czech Bar Association Reg. No. 15179)
Reg. No. 02159074, Tax ID: CZ8608221094
ID DS: 3fm3ifp
tel: +420 724 094 595

Mgr. Tereza Ječná
Attorney (Czech Bar Association Reg. No. 16720)
tel: +420 728 926 392

Ing. Tereza Houžvicová
Accountant and HR officer
tel: +420 326 210 233

Bc. Elisabeth Mauermannová
Legal professional
tel: +420 326 210 233

We can do it

Contact us and schedule appointment today

